Webinar: Meet Millennials Going Big in Small Places
Did you miss our webinar about Millennials who chose to live in towns and small cities?
Hear how they are defying conventional wisdom about so-called “brain drain” from rural America. Ben Winchester, an expert on rural migration, sets the stage for an insightful discussion with three Millennials who are contributing to the vibrancy of the places they live—in a big way.
Winchester notes that the rural population has grown 11 percent since 1970. While younger adults do leave hometowns for college towns and metropolitan areas, people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are moving back. They are seeking a slower pace, safety and security, and lower-cost housing. That spells opportunity for small cities and towns.
During the live webinar our chat window was busy with an engaging discussion that prompted provocative questions, information and resource sharing. We thought you might find the transcript useful.
Click here to read the live chat transcript.
Featured: Whitney Kimball Coe, coordinator, National Rural Assembly, Athens,Tennessee; Brittany Grimes, director of public relations and marketing, Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg, Illinois; Bree Henderson, owner, Polished & Proper Barbershop & Shave Parlor, Laconia, New Hampshire; Ben Winchester, senior research fellow, University of Minnesota Extension, Center for Community Vitality.